JP2000 Lecture 34 Exercises

What would you say when you report that:

  1. you were rained on on the way home?
  2. you had your foot stepped on in a crowded train this morning?
  3. you were late for the meeting and that you were scolded by your boss?
  4. your classmate won the best prize at the Japanese Speech Contest and that she was praised by the teacher?
  5. your professor was invited to give a lecture at Meiji University?
  6. your car was rear-ended by a cab at an intersection yesterday? [to rear-end: tsuitotsu-suru 追突する]
  7. your friend  had a hard time because his wife became ill while he was looking for a job?
  8. many people were killed by bombing in Middle East? [bombing: bakugeki 爆撃]
  9. the final exams have been postponed due to the strike? [to postpone: enki-suru 延期する]
  10. you will be forced to buy a more fuel-efficient car in the future? [fuel-efficient: nenpi ga ii 燃費がいい]

Transform the following causative sentences into passive according to the instruction.

  1. Kono koosu de wa sennsei wa gakusee ni hon o takusan yomasu.	このコースでは先生は学生に本をたくさん読ます。(...学生は...)
    (... gakusei wa ...)
  2. Enkai de wa kyaku ni takusan sake o nomasu. (... kyaku wa ...)	宴会では客にたくさん酒を飲ます。(...客は...)
  3. Haha-oya wa yoku musume ni kaimono o saseru. (Musume wa ...)	母親はよく娘に買い物をさせる。(娘は...)
  4. Sensee wa Nihon-jin no ryuugakusee ni Nihongo o oshie-saseru.	先生は日本人の留学生に日本語を教えさせる。(日本人の留学生は...)
    (Nihon-jin no ryuugakusee wa ...)
  5. Chuuoo-sen no jinshin-jiko de jookyaku o dennsha no naka de	中央線の人身事故で乗客を電車の中で三時間も待たせた。(...乗客は...)
    san-jikan mo mataseta. (... jookyaku wa ...)

Combine two sentences into one by converting the second one into a passive construction.

  1. [Kanai wa ... shokku o ukete imasu][Musuko ga saifu kara okane	[家内は...ショックを受けています][息子が財布からお金を盗む]
    o nusumu]
  2. [Shachoo wa ... komatte imasu][Naganen tayori ni shite kita	[社長は...困っています][長年頼りにしてきた秘書が結婚した]
    hisho ga kekkon-shita]
  3. [Chichi wa ... atarashii shigoto o sagasanakereba narimasen]	[父は...新しい仕事を探さなければなりません] 
    [Risutora de ima no kaisha o kaiko-suru](o 'from') 		[リストラで今の会社を解雇する]
  4. [Tomodachi wa ... honsha ni yobi-modo-s-are mashita][Kaisha	[友だちは...本社に呼び戻されました][会社が実力を認める]
    ga jitsuryoku o mitomeru]
  5. [Daigaku wa ... keiei-konnan ni ochiitte imasu][Kumiai ga	[大学は...経営困難に陥っています][組合が大きな賃上げを要求する]
    ooki-na chin-age o yookyuu-suru] 

Translate into Japanese.

  1. This book was written by a Japanese and translated into many languages in the world.
  2. This temple was built in the year of 1307 by a well-known Buddhist monk.
  3. Three hundred million yen was stolen from this bank five years ago.
  4. An international conference on Japanese Studies was held at York University in August, 2007.
  5. Many trees are cut down all over the world to cause various environmental problems such as flooding and drought.

Give the Japanese equivalent.

  1. block/lot number five
  2. ten times (as much)
  3. within a month
  4. other than Spanish (language)
  5. below ten degrees
  6. above fifty thousand yen
  7. longer than twenty years
  8. stereotyping
  9. embarrassing/looking bad
  10. detrimental
  11. consideration
  12. leave (someone) behind

Fill in the most appropriate expression according to the instruction.
  1. mendoo o    ____________  'look after, take care of'	面倒を_______
  2. jishin ga   ____________  'subside'			地震が_______
  3. kigen ga    ____________  'in a bad mood'		機嫌が_______
  4. yosoo ga    ____________  'can predict'			予想が_______
  5. katte ni   ____________  'do as one wihses'		勝手に_______
  6. ki ga      ____________  'feel guilty'			気が________
  7. hootte      ____________ 'leave as it is'		放って_______
  8. kennka-     ____________ 'part with a fight'		喧嘩________
  9. kigen o    ____________  'change one's mood'		機嫌を_______
  10. naki-       ____________ 'cry for a long time'		泣き________
  11. moto ni    ____________ 'return to the original state'	元に________
  12. futokoro ga ____________ 'not having enough money'	懐が________
  13. ki o       ____________  'be quick in thinking'		気を________
  14. mentsu o    ____________ 'worry about face'		面子を_______
  15. kookyuu o   ____________  'earn'			高給を_______
  16. korogari-  ____________   'shack'			転がり_______
  17. _________  yureru        'shake violently'		________ゆれる

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