AP/JP4100 6.0 Teaching of Japanese as a Foreign/Second Language

[cat# 000901]

COURSE OUTLINE: 2003 - 2004


TR  19:00 - 21:00           S129R

INSTRUCTOR        OFFICE           PHONE                            OFFICE HOURS

Ota, N.                    S532 Ross       (416)736-2100  x88750   TBA
                                                                                                [or by appointment]


Brown, Douglas (1994) Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN:0131919660.
Gass, Susan M. & Larry Selinker (1994)Second Language Acquisition: An Introductory Course, Lawrence Erlbaum, ISBN:0805804943.
Richards, Jack C. & David Nunan (eds.)(1990)Second Language Teacher Education, Cambridge University Press, ISBN:0521387795.
Wallace, Michael J.(1991)Training Foreign Language Teachers: A reflective approach, Cambridge University Press, ISBN:0521356547.

{REFERENCE} Blair, Robert W. (ed.)(1982) Innovative Approaches to Language Teaching, Newbury House, ISBN:0883772477.
Endo-Hudson, Mutsuko (1994) English Grammar for Students of Japanese, Olivia and Hill, ISBN:0934034168.
Kitao, Kenji et al. (edts.)(1995) Culture and Communication, Yamaguchi Shoten, ISBN:4841107878.
Kuno, Susumu (1973) The Structure of the Japanese Language, MIT, ISBN: 0262110490.
Ishida, Toshiko (1987)Nihongo Kyoojuhoo [Teaching Method of Japanese], Taishuukan, ISBN: 4469220558
Ota, Norio (1994) "Trends in TJFL", public lecture at Himeji-Dokkyo University.
__________ (1995) "Cross-Cultural Communication through Japanese: Communicating with Japan through high school
                                education", in D.J. Dicks (ed.) Communicating with Japan: Images Past, Present and Future -
                               An Interdisciplinary Anthology, Montreal: Concordia University, 1995, 108-130.
__________ (1998) "A Poor Man’s Server - A Key to Successful Transition in Computerization", Proceedings of
                                The Foreign Language Education and Technology Conference III [FLEAT III]: Languages Resources
                                Cultures, University of Victoria, Victoria B.C., 1998, 293-304.
__________ (1999) "Culture in Language Context", Japanese Studies Association Conference, McGill University.
__________ (2000) "Coping with sociolinguistic and pragmatic changes in TJFL", Japanese Studies Association
                                Conference, University of British Columbia.
__________ (2001a)"Developing a distance education course based on personal servers", 2nd International Conference
                                 for Asian Scholars, Free University, Berlin.
__________ (2001b)"Impact of Globalization on Language and Culture", Japanese Studies Association Conference,
                                 University of Saskatchewan (forthcoming).

* $10 is payable initially to cover the cost of copied material.


Minor Paper - 20%; Major Paper - 40%; Practicum - 20%; Assignments [written and/or oral] - 10%; Class Participation - 10%


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Arts Multimedia Labs [AML S403R Mac/PC based]

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Norio Ota
Japanese Section
phone:  (416)736-2100 x88750
fax:    (416)736-5483
e-mail: nota@yorku.ca