
ahead    		saki
around    		mawari
around here/vicinity  	kono hen/àtari
at hand    		temotò/tejika
back/behind/rear   	ushiro
back road    		uramichi
between    		aida
beyond    		mukoo
bridge    		hashì
corner    		kàdo
dead-end    		ikidomari
end of street   	tsukiatari
freeway    		koosoku-dòoro
front    		màe
inside    		nàka
intersection   		koosaten
left    		hidari
map     		chìzu
nearby    		chìkaku/sòba
next to    		tonari
opposite side   	hantaigawa/mukoogawa
outside    		sòto
park    		kooen
pedestrians' crossing  	oodan-hòdoo
place    		tokoro/basho
right    		migi
road    		michi
roadway    		shadoo
short-cut    		chikàmichi
side    		yoko
sidewalk    		hodoo
square    		hìroba
street    		toorì/dòoro
this side     		temae/kochiragawa
top/above    		ue
tunnel    		tonneru
under/bottom   		shita


airport    		kuukoo
apartment    		apàato
bank    		ginkoo
bar     		bàa
barber    		tokoya
bookstore    		hòn'ya
cafeteria    		shokudoo/kafetèria
church    		kyookai
city office   		shiyàkusho
coffee shop   		kissaten
company    		kaisha
department store   	depàato
dormitory    		ryòo
factory    		koojòo
fire station   		shoobooshò
gas station   		gasorin-su/tàndo
hairdresser   		riyòoshitsu
hospital    		byooin
hotel    		hòteru
inn     		ryokan
library    		toshòkan
movie theatre   	eegàkan
motel    		mòoteru
parking lot   		chuushajoo
pharmacy    		kusuriya/yakkyoku
police    		keesatsu
police stand   		kooban
post office   		yuubìnkyoku
restaurant    		rèsutoran
rest room    		senmenjo/tòire 
school    		gakkoo
shop/store    		misè
station    		èki
supermarket   		sùupaa
taxation office   	zeemusho
university    		daigaku