Japanese English Part of speech class Lec Number W/no accent. mark
1 kaimono shopping [n.] IL-04A かいもの kaimono
2 chòtto a little [adv.] IL-04A ちょっと chotto
3 nàni what [int. pro.] IL-04A なに nani
4 kaimàsu                 buy [v.] IL-04A かいます kaimasu                
5 Nihongo                 the Japanese language [n.] IL-04AE にほんご Nihongo                
6 no of [p.] IL-04A no
7   jìsho                   dictionary [n.] IL-04A じしょ jisho                  
8 ash(i)tà                tomorrow [adv.] IL-04B あした ashita               
9 ìts(u)                  when [int. pro.] IL-04B いつ itsu                 
10 kimàs(u)                come [v.] IL-04B きます kimasu               
11 watashi                 I [pro.] IL-04B わたし watashi                
12 kimasèn                 do not come [v.] IL-04B きません kimasen                
13 anàta                   you [very informal] [pro.] IL-04B あなた anata                  
14   tàbun                   probably [adv.] IL-04B たぶん tabun                  
15 rèk(u)chaa              lecture [n.] IL-04C レクチャー rekuchaa             
16 wakarimàsh(i)ta         understood [v.] IL-04C わかりました wakarimashita        
17 yòku                    well [adv.] IL-04C よく yoku                   
18 wakarimasèn desh(i)ta   did not understand [v.] IL-04C わかりませんでした wakarimasen deshita  
19   muzukashìi              difficult [adj.] IL-04C むずかしい muzukashii             
20 sùgu                    right away [adv.] IL-04D すぐ sugu                   
21 kaerimàs(u)             go home [v.] IL-04D かえります kaerimasu            
22 màda                    (not)yet [adv.] IL-04D まだ mada                   
23 Dewa, Well (then) [interj.] IL-04D では、 Dewa,
24 osakini ahead, first, before (you) [adv.] IL-04D おさきに osakini
25   sh(i)tsùree shimas(u) Please let me be excused. (exp.) IL-04D しつれいします shitsureeshimasu
26 Sh(i)tsùree desuga, Excuse me, but… (exp.) IL-04E しつれいですが、 Shitsureedesuga,
27 hanashimàs(u)           speak [v.] IL-04E はなします hanashimasu          
28 sukòshi a little [adv.] IL-04E すこし sukoshi
29 benkyoo-shimàs(u)       study [v.] IL-04E べんきょうします benkyoo-shimasu      
30   Eego                    the English language [n.] IL-04E えいご Eego                   
31 nomimàs(u)              drink [v.] IL-04F のみます nomimasu             
32 osake                   sake, saki [n.] IL-04F おさけ osake                  
33 bòku                    I [male] [pro.] IL-04F ぼく boku                   
34 bìiru                   beer [n.] IL-04F ビール biiru                  
35   Kanpai!                 Cheers! (exp.) IL-04F かんぱい Kanpai!