morning    		àsa
noon    		hirù
evening    		ban
night    		yòru
in the morning   	gozen-chuu
in the afternoon   	gògo
this morning   		kèsa
this evening   		kònban
today    		kyòo
yesterday    		kinòo
tomorrow    		ashità
this week    		konshuu
last week    		senshuu
next week    		raishuu
this month    		kongetsu
last month    		sèngetsu
next month    		ràigetsu
this year    		kotoshi
last year    		kyònen
next year     		rainen
Monday			getsuyòobi
Tuesday			kayòobi
Wednesday		suiyòobi
Thursday		mokuyòobi
Friday			kin'yòobi
Saturday		doyòobi
Sunday			nichiyòobi
January			ichigatsù
February		nigatsù
March			sàngatsu
April			shigatsù
May			gògatsu
June			rokugatsù
July			shichigatsù
August			hachigatsù
September		kùgatsu
October			juugatsù
November		juuichigatsù
December		juunigatsù
now     		ìma
later    		àtode
right away    		sùgu
early   		hàyaku
late    		osoku
soon    		moo sùgu
gradually    		dandan
at eight    		hachì-ji ni
at 6:30    		roku-ji hàn ni
on Friday    		Kin'yòobi ni
in March		sàngatsu ni

o'clock  		-ji    		yo-ji/ku-ji
hour             	-jikan
minute           	-fun/pun 	ìp-pun/nì-fun
day(s)       		ichi-nichi   	1 day
			tsuitachi    	1st day
			futsu-ka     	2 days/2nd day
               		mik-ka   	3 days/3rd day
			yok-ka   	4 days/4th day
			itsu-ka  	5 days/5th day
			mui-ka   	6 days/6th day
			nano-ka  	7 days/7th day
			yoo-ka   	8 days/8th day
			kokono-ka  	9 days/9th day
			too-ka        	10 days/10th day 
			juu-ichi-nichi	11 days/11th day 
			hatsu-ka   	20 days/20th day
week             	-syuu-kan  	isshùu-kan/nishùu-kan/san-shùu-kan
month            	-ka-getsu	ikkàgetsu;rokkàgetsu
                 	-tsuki      	hitò-tsuki/futà-tsuki
year             	-nen(kan) 	ichì-nen/nì-nen/san-nen/yo-nen